10 Moments From ‘The Originals’ That Proved The Show Was Unpredictable

6. Davina Breaks Klaus’ Sireline

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Ever since TVD, every vampire from Klaus’ sireline has been trying hard to break the link. But it proved to be impossible because one needed an unsired heart to do so. They finally unlinked the sireline of Klaus using the heart of Jackson. One of the best scenes was that of Davina breaking this link because this brought out a new side of Klaus, a scared Klaus which nobody ever thought would be possible.

5. Death of Lucien

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Lucien was a great villain, an enhanced original who pushed the Mikaelsons to the limits. He was responsible for the deaths of Finn and Cami. He became really a hated villain once he drank the serum and started killing beloved characters such as Cami. His death was truly satisfying.

How Well Do You Know Klamille From ‘The Originals’?

4. Cami Dies

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Well every supernatural show needs a human character which can bring out the best of the main character. Cami filled this role. As a human her life always hanged in balance, surrounded by Supernatural threats. But once she turned into a vampire, it looked like now she’s safe. But she gets bitten from Lucien, even though the gang tries their best to find a cure, but Cami doesn’t survive. Her death was truly upsetting, but it just showed how unpredictable Originals could be.

3. Jackson’s Heart Ripped Out

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Jackson was the husband of Hayley and he was the leader of the Bayou pack. His death was truly heartbreaking and left the viewers crying in tears. His heart was literally ripped out of the chest. The viewers never expected the death of Jackson because he was an important character. What makes it even more saddening is that Hayley had to watch it all and she couldn’t do anything about it.

2. Rebekah And Marcel’s Secret

When you’re thousands of years old, it’s only natural that you have plenty of skeletons in your closet. Back in 1919, Rebekah had Genevieve to tip off Mikael about the whereabouts of Klaus. She did it so that Mikael could kill Klaus and then she’d be with Marcel forever. But after doing it, she instantly regretted her choice and caused the death of Genevieve. Fast forward to the present time, Genevieve is back and she links the minds of the Mikaelsons, thus allowing Klaus to see what Rebekah did.

1. Elijah Dies With Klaus

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This scene is true definition of the vow of Mikaelsons to be with each other ‘Always and Forever’. Elijah didn’t have to die, but he chose his brotherly bond over his life. He couldn’t have found peace without his brother Klaus so he chose to go with him. Klaus redeemed himself through his sacrifice, he protected his daughter Hope from the most dangerous threat Hollow by giving up his life and thus destroying the Hollow magic inside her. This is one of the most emotional scenes of the Originals.

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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