5 Interesting And Unknown Facts About John Winchester From Supernatural


The CW

John Winchester is the first known character on the show who escaped the hell. In Season 2, when Devil’s Gate was opened as Azazel wanted to unleash the demonic army on earth. John Winchester got through. Second character was Dean Winchester who was raised by Castiel. Third character was Sam Winchester who was rescued by Castiel, but he didn’t contain his soul. Later on, Bobby would also be freed from his captivity in hell.


5 Interesting And Unknown Facts About John Winchester From Supernatural
The CW

John Winchester of the past was summoned by the Winchesters which resulted in him appearing in the episode ‘Lebanon’. During this time, the Winchesters tell him everything that has happened to them ever since John died after making a deal with Azazel. John is also reunited with his wife Mary, after spending some quality time with his family and making amends, he is sent back to his time. John Winchester knew everything about the apocalypse, Sam, and Azazel. He knew what role he had to play and how his sons’ future will turn out. This is confirmed by him in the episode Lebanon.


5 Interesting And Unknown Facts About John Winchester From Supernatural
The CW

The fandom always held a grudge against John for his treatment of Sam and Dean. Forcing them to become a hunter and going against their wishes, for his own selfish agenda. While Dean adapted and always tried to be the good son, but Sam got fed up and wanted to live on his own. He had a big fight with John and left the house. Even though they were reunited, but they couldn’t reconcile as John died without having a heart to heart conversation with Sam. In Season 14, he speaks with Sam and apologies for turning him away. Sam says he forgave him long time ago. They make amends and share a hug. Even though Dean and John never had a major falling out, John sacrificed his life for Dean. In Season 14, John tells Dean he is proud of him and wanted him to live a normal life.

So what do you guys think? After everything that John Winchester did, do you forgive him? Do you feel he was a good father in the end? I mean, he sacrificed himself for his kid in a moment, spent his entire live to avenge the tragic death of his true love. Even though he was damaged and he passed the pain to his kids, but his heart was always in the right place.

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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