6 Things About Klaus-Elijah Mikaelson That You Might Not Know

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Welcome back to Humor Nation. Relationship between two brothers can be pretty complicated at times espcially when they have different personalities and mindsets. We saw that in case of the Salvatore brothers who were as different as day and night. They fought each other like dogs, but also were always willing to die for each other like wolves. The relationship between the Original brothers Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson is no different than the Salvatores. They were best friends at one time then became enemies, and back to being friends. However, unlike the Salvatores, the Mikaelson brothers’ rivalry was mainly due to Klaus unnecessarily daggering his siblings out of paranoia and acting like a mad king for most of the time. The mood of the Original hybrid mostly dictated whether their relationship was going to be friendly or enmity.

Their relationship began to improve during the third season of the Vampire Diaries. The brothers returned to New Orleans after getting a tip about Witches conspiring against Klaus. Their relationship has some ups and downs in S1 of Originals as Klaus daggered and gave Elijah to Marcel, he had falsely accused him and also bitten him out of paranoia

So Take A Look At 6 Things About Klaus-Elijah Mikaelson That You Might Not Know


6 Things About Klaus-Elijah Mikaelson That You Might Not Know
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While all the Mikaelson siblings were bound by the promise of ‘Always and Forever’. It was only Elijah who lived it to the very end and gave a new meaning to the promise. Unlike the other siblings who gave up on Klaus when he pushed them around or daggered them against their will, or forced his choices upon them. Elijah was the only one who refused to give up on Klaus. Even though Klaus never made it easy for Elijah, he daggered him numerous times and was responsible for the death of Gia whom Elijah loved. Elijah even said that he could never forgive Klaus for his actions. But he still chose to stand by his side.

6 Things About Klaus-Elijah Mikaelson That You Might Not Know
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He believed that he will stop looking for Klaus’ redemption when there is no chance left for it to be found. In Originals final episode, when Klaus was going to sacrifice himself to kill Hollow, Elijah saw the selflessness of Klaus and it was his true redemption. The entire purpose of Elijah’s life was to help his brother in finding his redemption. Once it was found, there would be no other purpose or meaning left for Elijah, so he decided to join Klaus in his sacrifice, accompany him in whatever adventure lies beyond death.

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6 Things About Klaus-Elijah Mikaelson That You Might Not Know
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Another similarity that the Mikaelson brothers share with Salvatores is their relationship with the Petrovas. Both the brothers have been involved in a significant relationship with three different Petrova doppelgangers. Klaus and Elijah both loved Tatia, but she ultimately chose Elijah over Klaus. It was Tatia’s blood that was used in the creation of the Originals and binding of Klaus’ hybrid nature. She was killed by Elijah who couldn’t control his savage vampiric impulses. Then the brothers found Katerina Petrova, while Klaus only wanted to use her in a sacrifice to lift up the hybrid curse, but Elijah genuinely loved her and wanted to help her.

6 Things About Klaus-Elijah Mikaelson That You Might Not Know
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The brothers were then involved with Elena Gilbert, Elijah admired Elena for her good qualities and respected her. Elena aligned with Elijah to deal with their common enemies. Even though they have betrayed each other in the past, but they forgave and trusted each other. Whereas Klaus was finally managed to lift the hybrid curse by sacrificing Elena in the ritual. Not only did he kill Elena, but also turned her aunt Jenna into a vampire and killed her in front of Elena. Klaus later used her blood to make hybrids.

6 Things About Klaus-Elijah Mikaelson That You Might Not Know
The CW


A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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