Ranking The 6 Most Powerful Vampires In The TVD Universe

The CW

Welcome back to Humor Nation. Over the course of the eight seasons of the Vampire Diaries and the five seasons of the Originals, we have been introduced to numerous vampires. While some have been extremely clever, some were stronger due to their age, and some perhaps the most powerful ones in the existence. Vampires came into being through the creation of the originals due to the dark magic. A vampire is a reanimated corpse which is housed the spirit of the dead person. They need to feed on the blood to survive. A vampire can turn others into vampires as well through his blood who then become sired to him.

The powers and abilities of a vampire also depend on their age and their kind. An Original Vampire is much more powerful than an ordinary vampire. But all the vampires have super strength, rapid healing, mind compulsion, super senses.

So Take A Look At Ranking The 6 Most Powerful Vampires In The TVD Universe


Ranking The 6 Most Powerful Vampires In The TVD Universe
The CW

With the exception of Finn who was daggered for almost 900 years, Kol, Elijah, Rebekah are powerful vampires who can compel other vampires and beings. The powers of an Original Vampire is much superior to an ordinary vampire. At one point, they were the strongest creatures in the world. Their strength is much superior than the ordinary vampires, evolved werewolves, hunters, and immortal beings. The only thing that can kill them is the White Oak Stake which granted them the immortality. While normal werewolf venom can cause them pain and hallucinations, but the advanced werewolf venom can kill them if no antidote is given to them in the right time.

Ranking The 6 Most Powerful Vampires In The TVD Universe
The CW

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Ranking The 6 Most Powerful Vampires In The TVD Universe
The CW

Being an Original, he is the second strongest to his father Mikael. But after unlocking his werewolf side, he gained additional abilities and powers which made him one of the most powerful beings in the world. Klaus is a skilled fighter as we saw him taking down an entire army of Marcel with such ease. We have seen him taking on six evolved werewolves whom he defeated with ease. He was able to overpower Hayley who is a Hybrid and Jackson who is an evolved werewolf. But more than his fighting skills, he has a brilliant strategic mind, he knows how to take down a powerful enemy with proper tactics.


Ranking The 6 Most Powerful Vampires In The TVD Universe
The CW

Before the Upgraded Originals and the Enhanced Originals, Mikael was considered as the strongest vampire in the TVD Universe. Before transitioning into a vampire, he was a strong Viking warrior who slaughtered thousands. Since being the first vampire and also an Original Vampire, he was much powerful than his children. His impressive combat skills, strict discipline, and the warrior spirit made him the most powerful Original Vampire ever. He scared off his children when he arrived in New Orleans in 1919. Mikael was able to easily defeat Klaus before he unleashed his hybrid side. After breaking the hybrid curse, Klaus unlocked his werewolf side, but still it was not enough to defeat Mikael easily.

Ranking The 6 Most Powerful Vampires In The TVD Universe
The CW

In Originals Season 2, he was able to dominate and overpower Klaus in a fight while having the werewolf venom in his system, and recovering from the Papa Tunde’s blade effects. He had an excessive tolerance for pain as he was able to ignore the werewolf venom in him and easily managed to take out the Papa Tunde’s Blade whereas Klaus struggled with taking out the Blade.


A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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