Ranking The Most Powerful Groups In The Vampire Diaries Universe


The CW

The Heretics made their appearance in the late sixth season and played a significant role in the seventh reason of TVD. They are a group of the hybrids (witch-vampire) are among the most powerful beings. Before they became hybrids, they were the members of the Gemini Coven, but they were considered abominations due to being Siphoners. They didn’t have the magic ability of their own, but they siphoned it from other sources. Lily Salvatore turned them into vampires using her blood which ultimately made them hybrids. They planned to take down Gemini Coven, but ultimately placed in the captivity of the Prison World.


Ranking The Most Powerful Groups In The Vampire Diaries Universe
The CW

The Strix were introduced in the third season of the Originals. An ancient society of the powerful vampires which was started by Elijah Mikaelson. But when Mikael came after Elijah and his siblings. Elijah was forced to go on a run, leaving behind the Strix to fight for their survival. However, Tristan De Martel, the first vampire of Elijah’s sireline took the group under his wing and made it one of the most powerful groups in the world. The group mainly consisted of the vampires from Elijah’s sireline, however an exception was made to grant Marcel Gerard the membership of the group. Strix has been responsible for numerous wars, plagues throughout the human history. The Strix has been responsible for the abduction and demise of Jackson Kenner.

5 Originals Characters With Appearances On The Legacies!


Ranking The Most Powerful Groups In The Vampire Diaries Universe
The CW

The Originals, a group of the most powerful beings in the TVD Universe. They are the first vampires who were created magically by Esther and are the progenitors of the vampire race. However, compared to the normal vampires, Originals are far quicker, stronger, and dangerous. The term ‘Originals’ mainly refers to the members of the Mikaelson Family who transformed into the vampires. After losing her youngest son Henrik, Esther transformed her remaining children and her husband Mikael into creatures which became known to be Original Vampires who are superior to the werewolves.

Unlike the normal vampires, Originals are virtually invincible and immortal, the only thing that can kill them is a White Oak Stake, or an immense amount of magic. However, in Originals Season 3 we learned that Upgraded Original’s venom can also kill an Original vampire. With the demise of Klaus, Elijah, Mikael, and Finn, the only remaining Original vampires are Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson.

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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