Supernatural Characters And Their Screen Time

If there’s any character who has the most screen time after Sam and Dean Winchester then it’s Castiel which isn’t much surprising. The character of Castiel first appeared in Season 4 Episode ‘Lazarus Rising’ where he revealed himself to be the angel who rescued Dean from the underworld. Castiel has a total screentime of 3129 Minutes which means he has a 25.56% screentime appearance percentage of the total whereas Dean has a total of 87.05% screentime appearance rate.

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Something that nobody anticipated at the beginning of the show is that Mary Winchester would be among the ten characters with the most screen time. As Mary’s character met her demise in the first five minutes of the show, but she was brought back by Amara AKA Darkness in Season 11 finale. While fans have mixed reactions to the character of Mary. Some feel she was given unnecessary screen time and storylines whereas some appreciate the dynamics of Mary with other characters. Another interesting thing is that Mary has more screen time than Lucifer, she has a total of 208 minutes or 3.4 hours more screen time than the archangel Lucifer. Nobody could have seen that coming in the earlier seasons of the show as Lucifer was the primary antagonist in Kripke’s Supernatural arc. Although, Lucifer kept on appearing every now and then, with his motivations changing, until the final season.

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Another integral character in the story of Supernatural is Bobby Singer who has a total of 1316 minutes of appearance in the entire Supernatural. This becomes interesting because Bobby’s character was not supposed to last long on the show. It was a temporary replacement created for Missouri Moseley, but eventually became a regular character on the show. It’s undeniable that Bobby’s addition has added a new dimension to the show, providing depth to the characters. So when his demise happened in Season 7, the fans were heartbroken as nobody saw that coming. Fortunately, Bobby kept appearing in the form of a spirit. In Season 12, we were introduced to the AU Bobby who resides in a universe where Sam and Dean are never born and it has been ruined due to the battle of the archangels where Michael emerged victorious.

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Which character do you feel deserved more screentime? Are you satisfied with the screentime of your favorite SPN character or do you feel they didn’t get the adequate time? Do you think any character other than Winchesters deserved to be on par with the almost equal screentime as Sam and Dean.

So Take A Look At The Supernatural Characters & Their Screen Time

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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