6 Amazing Easter Eggs & References In Supernatural That You Might Have Missed


Welcome back to Humor Nation. Castiel once uttered the phrase ‘I DON’T UNDERSTAND THAT REFERENCE’ which has become one of his famous quotes. However, when it comes to the fans of Supernatural, they sure do understand every reference. Now there’s a chance that you might have not noticed these subtle nods, Easter eggs, and references. The show has featured plenty of Easter eggs as a way to pay tribute to famous movies, songs, and pop culture references. Even though the list of references can be extremely long, but we have narrowed down some of the best and popular moments over the years. We would like to credit Nerds and Beyond as the listed references have been taken from their article.

So Take A Look At 6 Amazing Easter Eggs & References In Supernatural That You Might Have Missed


6 Amazing Easter Eggs & References In Supernatural That You Might Have Missed

The French Mistake is undoubtedly one of the best Supernatural episodes. In this episode, the Winchesters get transported to an alternate universe where their lives is a TV show played by actors named Jared and Jensen who are their doppelgangers. This was breaking the fourth wall and showing us behind the scenes stuff. There’s a scene where Genevieve, wife of Jared Padalecki makes an appearance. As the Winchesters visit the actor Jared’s home, a picture of wedding of Jared & Genevieve can be seen in the background, it’s the real wedding photo of the actors. In the same episode, Dean Winchester learns that his life and character is played by an actor named Jensen Ackles. As the Winchesters barge into Jensen’s vanity van, they open up the computer and see the footage of his work. They see the footage of ‘Days of Our Lives’. It’s actually the real footage of the actual show in which Jensen worked in the past.

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6 Amazing Easter Eggs & References In Supernatural That You Might Have Missed

In Season 12 Episode 15 titled ‘Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell’, At the starting of the episode, we see Dean returning from a hunt carrying a barbwire wrapped baseball bat. Dean makes a remark about how their father John Winchester loved the thing. The baseball bat with barbwire is a reference to the similar bat named Lucille from the show Walking Dead. Lucille is the signature weapon of a character named Negan. Jeffrey Dean Morgan played both John Winchester and Negan. Interestingly, when Jensen posted a photo on his Twitter holding the barbwire baseball bat, there was a hilarious exchange between him and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.


A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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