Girls Who Did ‘Choriyan’ At Shop & Faced The Consequences

Such impulse disorder can be termed as Kleptomania which is a serious problem where one cannot resist the urges to steal or take away items even if they are not necessary for him or if they carry low value that it’s not worth to engage in any act of steal. Kleptomania is linked with the lack of Serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that helps in regulating the emotions and moods. However, people who have low levels of serotonin often struggle with moods and it could also make them more prone to impulsive behaviors as compared to the people who have the optimal number of serotonin. Another reason is Substance Addiction issue which plays a role in engaging such habits.

Whatever the reason might be for a person to engage in such acts. There are serious consequences that can severely impact the personal and professional life of an individual. There are legal consequences such as if one is caught then they might be charged with an offense. Offenders are also required to pay fines. A shop-lifting offense can go on a record of an individual. Having a criminal record would prevent a person from getting an employment and it might also taint his public image socially. Such people may also face restrictions such as being prohibited from entering any stores or shopping areas. The consequences are even worse in the case of the non-citizens who might face visa restrictions.

11. Kit is having a hard time believing that this is happening for real. It’s not a hallucination.

12. Krissy promised her boyfriend that they will have a great date together, but her mistake might have ruined the occasion.

13. Kylie is pretty disappointed in herself. How could she let her impulsive thoughts win.

14. Maya’s eyes speak her anxiety.

Sometimes it could be peer pressure that would compel individuals to engage in such acts. The peer pressure is so strong that individuals often commit such acts of stealing or snatching just to be accepted within a group which would enhance their self-esteem. They see all this as a form of rebellion. A different reason for Shop-Lifting can be explained neurobiologically, as some people have poor impulse control due to their prefrontal cortex not being able to inhibit their impulses, resulting in their compulsive behaviors without fully comprehending the gravity of the consequences.

15. Nikole is sad. She has always been an obedient girl. She doesn’t want her parents to know about her one big mistake.

16. Scarlett is wondering how long will the interrogation take.

17. That moment when you messed up, but your best friend is with you.

18. Val has lovely hair.

19. Violet is wondering if she could talk herself out of this situation.

Note: If you are curious about the name of the girl depicted in the picture, I would like to inform you that her name can be found in the image file name. Save the images included in the article, view the file names, and you will be able to discover the name of the girl. Subsequently, you can conduct a search for more information.

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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