Riverdale Quiz: Which Group Do You Belong?

The CW

Welcome back to Humor Nation. Riverdale has numerous groups and factions. Throughout the five seasons, we saw the main characters being affiliated with one group or the other. When Toni and Cheryl were exiled from the Southside Serpents, Cheryl decided to create a family for Toni, a group that she could lead, and thus came Pretty Poisons into the being. Cheryl realized how much Toni had done for her and decided to repay her. She found other some girls who were also looking for a community or group to belong. Cheryl taught them archery to prepare them ready. When Jughead took a jibe at the group, Cheryl decided to send a message, and the group surrounded and attacked Fangs and Sweet Pea. When Toni found out about it, she became furious and told Cheryl never to take any move with the group without him.

Riverdale Quiz: Which Group Do You Belong?
The CW

One of the major storylines of Season 3 was involving the Farm. Initially it was believed to a safe haven, a community that promotes healing through love and healthy ways. But later it turned out to be a cult led by Edgar Evernever who brainwashed its members. We first heard about the Farm in Season 1 where Polly and Jason planned to run away when they found about about Polly’s pregnancy, but Jason’s death changed their plans. In Season 2, after Alice is distraught after learning of Hal’s true identity, Polly asks her to seek help from the Farm.

Riverdale Quiz: Which Group Do You Belong?
The CW

Alice joined the Farm and started descending into the madness. It was only later revealed that the Farm was harvesting organs secretly and were selling them to make a profit. Alice was actually went undercover, working with FBI to find evidence to put Edgar behind the bars. If you could join any of these groups, which one would you choose to belong?

So Take This Riverdale Quiz And Find Out Where Do You Belong?

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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