The Originals Quiz: Guess Who Said That?

The CW

Hello Readers! Welcome back to Humor Nation. When we talk about intelligence and smartness, many people would think that perhaps Marcel, Klaus or Elijah who’s the most intelligent character, but you would be surprised to know that the most smartest character on the Originals was Lucien. He was the first ever vampire sired by Klaus and lived in his shadow throughout his life. He returned New Orleans with the motive of protecting his sire, but he was plotting against the Originals all along. Lucien engineered a serum which with the help of magic ritual turned him into an Upgraded Original, much powerful than his sire. It was Lucien who managed to kill an Original and a fan favorite character within a span of few episodes. Even though he met his end, but the damage was already done. Freya had to resort to drastic measures to defeat Lucien, her actions led to death of Davina which led to a conflict between Marcel and Mikaelsons. All this was a dominos effect that started with Lucien.

The Originals Quiz: Guess Who Said That?
Source: The CW

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Marcel was raised by Klaus so it’s natural that he would grow up to be a brilliant strategist. With his background of serving in Army, he has a strong mental fortitude, his willpower is strong, and he is also the most powerful vampire in the TVD Universe. But he lets his emotions get the better of him. He is a part of the Mikaelson family and this attachment has resulted in him ending up disappointed numerous times. Similar to Klaus, Marcel is excellent at reading others’ behavior and always have a plan in place.

The Originals Quiz: Guess Who Said That?
The CW

Davina is one of the most talented witches in the TVD Universe. She is really strong and resilient, it was her fighting nature that Marcel saw in Davina and became her father figure, similar to what Klaus was to him. If it wasn’t for Marcel, Davina would have died in the Harvest, even though she accepted her fate later, and willingly became a part of the Harvest. There are only a few people that she could really trust, the list includes Marcel, Cami, Josh, and Kol. Josh and Davina became friends when Marcel brought Joshua to her to get him free of the compulsion of Klaus. During that time, the two bonded and became friends. Josh helped her in escaping from Marcel, Klaus, and witches. The two remained closed for a long time until Davina left New Orleans with Kol.

The Originals Quiz: Guess Who Said That?
The CW

So today take up the quiz down below to see how well do you know the characters of Originals. So without wasting any further let’s get started. Take The Originals Quiz : Guess Who Said That?

Guess Which Character Said These Lines On “The Originals”?

If you're a true fan of The Originals then you must take this quiz and see how well you know every character.

Images Source; CW   

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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