5 Interesting Facts About The Supernatural Species In Vampire Diaries Universe


5 Interesting Facts About The Supernatural Species In Vampire Diaries Universe
The CW

Initially, it was planned that the vampires would be turned into dust when they are staked. Did you in the Season 1 Episode ‘Haunted’, originally it was Jeremy who was supposed to eliminate Vicki. Also, in the script when Vicki is staked, she turns to dust. However, it was scraped and the idea of vampires turning to dust was removed. Numerous other powers and abilities which the vampires were supposed to have were scrapped from the show. In the TVD Novels, Vampires are depicted with plenty of powers and are too ‘SUPERNATURAL’, but the show changed the direction. In the pilot episode, Damon possessed a couple of powers such as compelling the animals and manipulating the weather which we never saw him use ever again.


5 Interesting Facts About The Supernatural Species In Vampire Diaries Universe
The CW

In the TVD Universe, we have been told there are seven different bloodlines of werewolves. Each bloodline has a distinct kind of venom. Lucien Castiel created the most lethal and supreme venom by combining the venom of the werewolves of all seven bloodlines. This venom is even extremely fatal to an Original, even the blood of Original Hybrid Klaus Mikaelson cannot cure the effects of this venom. Lucien reverse-engineered the Original Spell to become the Upgraded Original Vampire and its bite contains the venom. Unlike the other shows, where Silver could serve as a weakness to a werewolf. In the TVD Universe, Silver actually heals a werewolf. However, the herb Wolfsbane can harm a werewolf. A person who has the untriggered werewolf gene can activate it by taking a life. However, it should be permanent so that snapping the neck of a vampire cannot trigger the gene. However, once a person has activated the curse and become a werewolf, they are immune to the mind control at the hands of a vampire. In the books, Caroline is a werewolf whereas in the show she is a vampire.


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It is nature that grants the magic to the witches. If the balance is disturbed then a witch could lose the ability or access to magic. You would be surprised to know that Esther didn’t create the Originals on purpose. All she wanted was to make her family stronger than the werewolves so they could protect themselves. Since she used dark magic, the spell did grant them numerous abilities but turned them into beasts. In Vampire Diaries Universe, we have been introduced to various witches, but only four witches are in the contention to be called to be the most powerful witch; Bonnie Bennett, Esther Mikaelson, Dahlia, and The Hollow.

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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