Hardest Gryphons and Gargoyles Quiz That A True Riverdale Fan Can Beat

The CW

Welcome back to Humor Nation. The role-playing game Gryphons and Gargoyles played a major role in the Season 3. Hermione Lodge described this board game which aimed to target the young, naive minds. The quests of this board game and the various kinds of role-playing scenarios create a sense of paranoia, delusion among the teens and lead to violence and worse. The game was created by the mentally ill patients who were admitted in home of Sisters of Quiet Mercy, the troubled youth created the board game as a means of coping mechanism rather than to deal with their fears and anxieties. The sisters embraced the G&G as a means of therapeutic tool to help cure the patients, but nobody knew that the game born out of this madness would leave the walls of the house and haunt the residents of Riverdale.

Hardest Gryphons and Gargoyles Quiz That A True Riverdale Fan Can Beat
The CW

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When it was released into the Riverdale, young Alice, Fred, FP, Hermione, Penelope, and Sierra who were junior high students came across this game and played it. Before they knew it, it turned into a obsession. The game, however brought the six together who named themselves ‘The Midnight Club’.

Hardest Gryphons and Gargoyles Quiz That A True Riverdale Fan Can Beat
The CW

We see Dilton and Ben first playing the game at the Pop’s, Jughead stops to ask about the game, but Ben tells Dilton not to say anything. After the shocking death of Dilton, Ethel reveals to Jughead and Betty that she and Dilton were dating, and they would play G&G game in his secret bunker. The game is actually based on the real game Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) which was invented in the 1970s. The game was played by people of all ages, especially by the high school students. The players would sometimes dress in cloak or robes, holding a tinfoil covered sword. But the game did lead to people doing stupid things, harming themselves and others while playing.

So Take This Hardest Gryphons And Gargoyles Quiz That Only A True Fan Can Beat

Hardest Gryphons and Gargoyles Quiz That A True Riverdale Fan Can Beat

The role-playing game Gryphons and Gargoyles played a major role in the Season 3. Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the notorious game. 

Images Source: The CW

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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