How Well Do You Know The Hunters From Supernatural?

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Welcome back to Hunters are humans who are aware of the Supernatural world. They are also trained in the art of hunting and possessed a deep knowledge about the Supernatural beings.Humor Nation. Supernatural featured different sorts of Supernatural creatures and beings. Majority of these beings turn out to be malevolent, causing harm to the others. Therefore there’s a need to protect the world from such Supernatural creatures. That is where hunters come into the picture. Hunters are humans who are aware of the Supernatural world. They are also trained in the art of hunting and possessed a deep knowledge about the Supernatural beings. They are equipped with tools that allow them to deal with these creatures.

How Well Do You Know The Hunters From Supernatural?
The CW

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However, their lives aren’t easy, they are forced to live in a hunter’s lifestyle which consists of isolation and suffering as majority of them are unable to sustain normal relationships. But some of them who are able to find a partner and start a family, they end up passing their hunting knowledge and expertise to their children. That’s why we have seen family of hunters in the Supernatural such as the Winchesters and Campbells.

How Well Do You Know The Hunters From Supernatural?

Often times, the hunters do not have a permanent home, they are always on the road, living in motels or in their cars (in case of Winchesters). They also carry their necessary belongings and tools that will aid them in hunting. Hunters always abide by some rules that ensure their survival. Hunters possess both physical and intellectual skills. They are excellent fighters, capable of efficiently using different tools and weapons. They are also capable of using their brains when the situation demands it. A perfect example of it would be Sam Winchester who excels in hand to hand combat, but also a tech savvy person who is able to put his logical skills into use to find a breakthrough in a case.

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The hunters often record their valuable knowledge in diaries and journals which will come in handy. It consists of information about different supernatural creatures, details on how to eliminate them such as methods and procedures. John Winchester has written an extensive journal which has proven to be extremely useful for the boys. It helped them navigate through the Supernatural world. Also, do let us know who is your favorite hunter from the Supernatural world.

So Take This Quiz And Find Out How Well Do You Know The Hunters From Supernatural?

Supernatural Hunter Quiz

This is the ultimate SUPERNATURAL HUNTER QUIZ! Test your knowledge about the courageous hunters who navigate the thrilling world of Supernatural filled with angels, demons, ghosts, and lot more. Are you a true Supernatural fan, or do you need a refresher course to build your hunting knowledge? Let's check it out. 

Images Source: The CW

A movie buff, an Otaku, huge MMA and pro-wrestling follower. I'm a tumblr addict, have many fandoms and I'm also an aspiring artist. Works as a Content Writer.


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